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Tom & Aurélie

Tom & Aurélie and off-grid Belgian waffles in Denmark

Throwback to an incredible time at the Nordic Folk Alliance. We are thrilled to share that our very own Belgian duo, Tom & Aurélie, had the amazing opportunity to showcase their talent at this fantastically well-organized event.

Their unique sound and heartfelt performance captivated the audience, making it a truly unforgettable experience. As a special treat, we also baked fresh Belgian waffles, using a waffle iron powered by their own electric car (low impact makes a huge impact), adding a delicious taste of Belgium to their showcase.

A huge shout-out to Nordic Folk Alliance (and team Tempi!) for making this happen. For having created a journey where melodies wove magic and connections sparked the soul. A proof that the heart of the folk scene beats with an energy so vibrant, impossible not to feel its pulse.

📸 Morten Fog


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