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Alterne shines at the Global Music Showcases in Sint-Niklaas

The trio Alterne (BE/DK/EE) impressed key players from the music scene during the Global Music Showcases in Sint-Niklaas. With their enchanting dream folk, they made a name for themselves and opened up promising opportunities for the band.

On October 7, 2024, Alterne, a trio that plays enchanting dream folk, delivered an impressive showcase set at De Casino in Sint-Niklaas. During this 10th edition of the Global Music Showcases, attended by 70 music professionals, Alterne captivated the audience.

The band was on tour in Belgium, following successful performances in Hungary, Estonia, and Denmark. This showcase provided them with the opportunity to present their music to a new audience and network with key players in the music industry.

Organizers Cluster, together with Zig Zag World, Rootstown Bookings, MetX, LD Music Agency, BeRoots, and Music Idea, supported by the City of Sint-Niklaas, made this event a great success.

📷 Karolina Maruszak


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